Strata was the first software package designed
by SAMx , Strata 1.0 under the good old WINDOWS 3.0 was released in may
Developed in cooperation with Jean-Louis
Pouchou (ONERA),
based on Jean-Louis Pouchou et Françoise Pichoir researches . STRATAGem
is the new 32 bits version under Windows NT/2000/XP of Strata. It includes
some new features on top of an improved user interface and ease of used.
An OEM version of STRATAGem is also available, this special version allows
any software to take advantage of the computation power of STRATAGem.
STRATAGem is a thin film analysis program, designed to calculate thicknesses
and compositions of multiple layers on a substrate. STRATAGem is also
an excellent educational tool for microanalysis and does allow the user
to run different types of simulations.
STRATAGem Features
- Support two x-ray lines per element.
- Description of the sample, i.e. number of layers, elements in each
layer,.... entered through a sophisticated Graphical
User Interface.
- The Data (Ix/Istd) can be entered manually
or through different types of results files.
- Computation of thicknesses and compositions through an Iterative
- Display of the Relative Intensities versus
the Accelerating Voltage.
- Display of the Relative Intensities versus
the the thickness of one layer.
- Support of bulk and stratified standards.
- Take in account the secondary emission due to fluorescence
by X-ray characteristic continuum.
- Read/Write access to M.A.C. (Mass Absorption
- Print and Plot of results and curves, support of spreadsheet programs
(curves can be exported).
. A complete automatic integration with XMAS of STRATAGem
Analysis is available through STRATALine..