On-line Analysis of an Unknown sample.
This menu includes several choices
which allow the user to run a manual acquisition (Append) or to redo
the points already saved in the file (Replace) or finally to run an
automatic analysis using the stage file (Stage File). In this last mode,
new analyses can added (Append) to the data base after the last point
already saved in the file.

Off-line Analysis.
The power of XMAS can be found
in this menu. Analyses already stored can be re-computed at any time
when necessary; for example when a standard calibration has been modified
or the calculation method has been changed (Stoichiometry, Difference,...),
(Ix->C) Intensity to Composition or (Ix->Ix/Istd)) Intensity to Relative
Intensity. The Off-line mode can also be used to calculate the Composition
from the Relative Intensity (Ix/Istd->C)) or the reverse calculation,
Composition to Relative Intensity (C-> Ix/Istd)).

Display of Quantitative Results
In both modes (On/Off), the program
displays the results of each point, the user can easily access any specific
point already acquired or calculated.